Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz
Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

Fortunately for Emma she also captures the attention of Brendan Salinger, the school bad boy, but is Brendan really so bad? Emma is determined to find out which leads her down a path that she never could have predicted.Although there were a few things about Spellbound that bothered me overall I really enjoyed the book. It would seem that her bad luck is continuing in her new life when she attracts the attention (not in a good way) of the cocky jock and the queen of the mean girls at her new school. She leaves behind an abusive stepfather and has certainly had more than her share of bad luck. *Review contains a few spoilery elements, read at your own risk*Emma Connor comes to New York City to live with her aunt after the death of her mother and her twin brother. Recommended to those looking for a sweet read, with a paranormal twist. I can see a lot of people falling in love with Emma and Brendan's story. I'm fully willing to admit I might be a bit jaded due to all the books in this genre I've read lately. Like all books that fall into this category for me, it just didn't have that spark that will keep me coming back. I liked it, but I didn't fall in love with it. To be honest, I think I was just expecting a little bit more from these characters, and so Spellbound was a "just so" book for me. Girl meets boy, is inexplicably drawn to boy, unforseen circumstances keep them apart, cue ending that I won't spoil. I just felt like their story was so contrived. I won't spoil, but the way he reacts to their attraction rather bothered me. In fact I sometimes found myself annoyed with him. Even Brendan, who she is inexplicably drawn to, didn't really come to life. Emma's interactions with the characters around her were fun, but those characters were kind of one-dimensional to me.

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

Sadly, that's where the love affair ended for me.

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

A female character who isn't a shrinking violet? Yes please! Add in her friendship with her younger cousin, and you have a character that I really fell in love with. The fact that she isn't afraid to stand up for herself made me dance around the room. Emma is spunky, outspoken, and just a lovable character. As a result she attracts a lot of attention, both good and bad. She wants to blend into the background, but her bubbly personality just won't let her. So, when I opened up to the first page I had no expectations other than to read a good story.Īs a character, Emma is a sweetheart. I feel like it makes the book that much more of an experience. I rather like going into a book with little to no knowledge about what's inside. Going in to Spellbound I truly had no idea what I was in store for.

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz